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Commemorative Brick Fundraiser

Commemorative Brick Fundraiser

This year St Mary’s Catholic School is celebrating 150 years of Catholic Education in Bowen.

As part of the commemorations of this significant event we have decided to build a decorative path to celebrate the milestone.

We invite you to cement your place in our school’s history by purchasing an engraved brick to help us pave the way for future students at St Mary’s Catholic School in Bowen. All pavers will be included in the path with prices starting at $50 for one, $80 for two and $110 for three. Please see below the options for reference.

OPTION 1: $50 – Standard

Up to 3 lines of text

OPTION 2: $80 – Double

Up to 6 lines of text

OPTION 3: $110 – Triple

Up to 9 lines of text

Please fill out the order form below to place your order. 

Your Details

Commemorative Brick Text

Please complete the applicable lines for your chosen brick/s. Your engraving can be spread over three lines, with a maximum of 17 characters per line. Please note every letter, number, punctation mark or space represents a character. 1 brick = 3 lines, 2 bricks = 6 lines, 3 bricks = 9 lines.
Below are some examples.